WRENCH PEDAGOGIC MODULES Distributed Computing Courseware

Module 5: Resource Provisioning

  1. Learning objectives
  2. Overview
  3. Case Study
  4. Activity
  5. Conclusion

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to make calculated system design decisions;
  • Be able to apply the concepts explored in the previous activities.


This activity does not introduce any new concepts, but instead incorporates all concepts acquired in the previous activities. It is a case study in which you analyze a given workload on a given cyberinfrastructure. Then you will need to come up with an argument as to how this workload can be executed faster, given certain constraints. You will be guided through the decision making process so that you can build up your argument.

Case Study


You are a software engineer at a large corporation that routinely executes workflows for many customer applications. You have been tasked with ensuring that a particularly important workflow (Figure 1), which is executed repeatedly on different input files, runs as efficiently as possible on your corporation’s cyberinfrastructure (Figure 2). Your customers produce the input files, which are always the same size, at the remote storage service. The workflow’s single output file must be stored, once it’s been created, at that same storage service. All computation takes place on your corporation’s compute service (CS).


The Workflow Management System (WMS) that your corporation uses for this workflow submits tasks to the CS with the following scheme regarding file operations (Figure 3): read the initial input files from the remote storage service, write the final output file to the remote storage service, read and write all other files using the CS’s scratch space.

WMS Scenario

The Problem

Up until now, your customers have been producing input files at roughly the same rate as you are able to execute the workflow. However, they have recently upgraded their process and now produce input files at a faster rate. The workflow execution on the cyberinfrastructure can no longer keep up and has become a performance, and revenue, bottleneck!

You immediately get in touch with your boss about this, and come to the agreement that $1500 will be budgeted for to you to upgrade the cyberinfrastructure so that the workflow execution can be accelerated as much as possible (which hopefully will be fast enough).

Your boss does not care if the total amount spent is less than the allotted $1500, but before making the purchase you must make a valid case as to why the upgrade(s) you choose is/are warranted.


Step 1: Evaluate All the Options


Your cyberinfrastructure provider says they can offer you several hardware upgrades for various costs, as shown in Figure 4. Given your budget, you thus have 3 options:

Option Cores RAM Link Bandwidth Cost
1 2 32 GB 1,000 MB/sec $1,500
2 4 16 GB 1,000 MB/sec $1,400
3 4 32 GB 100 MB/sec $700

Answer these questions

  • [q1] Without an upgrade, about how long do you estimate the workflow execution to take? Write a simple formula that shows your work.
  • [q2] Going with Option 1, about how long do you estimate the workflow execution to take? Write simple formula that shows your work.
  • [q3] Going with Option 2, about how long do you estimate the workflow execution to take? Write simple formula that shows your work.
  • [q4] Going with Option 3, about how long do you estimate the workflow execution to take? Write simple formula that shows your work.

Step 2: Select the Best Upgrade

Answer these questions

  • [q5] Which option gives you the fastest workflow execution time? Your answer is of course based on your answers in the previous step. But also give an intuitive reason why the best option is indeed the best.
  • [q6] What is the CS’s estimated utilization with the best option?
  • [q7] How does it compare with the estimated utilization of the current non-upgraded cyberinfrastructure?
  • [q8] Write several sentences (not more than 5) to convince your boss that you have found the best hardware upgrade. Use your findings from the previous step to strengthen your claim.

Step 3: Considering Other Scenarios

There is some notion that data will change in the future, with different file sizes. Although this has not happened yet, your boss asks you for some information about how different file sizes may change your current decisions.

Answer these questions

  • [q9] Assuming the input file size is now 7 GB (all three files), what would the CS’s estimated utilization be with the best option? Write a short sentence explaining why the estimated utilization here is different from what you calculated in q6.
  • [q10] Assuming the input file size is now 7 GB (all three files), which option would be the best option?
  • [q11] At what input file size would the best option (i.e., your answer for q5) no longer be the best option?


In this activity, you have put to use some of the concepts learned thus far. By having a good understanding of your workload and the platform on which it runs, you were able to make a calculated decision as to what hardware upgrades would benefit you the most. First, you identified the current workflow execution time as a baseline performance metric. Second, you enumerated the possible upgrade options and, using back-of-the-envelope calculations, estimated how they compare with the baseline. This allowed you to make a sound decision as to which hardware upgrade would best meet the requirements laid out by your boss. As a result, the money was put to good use and workflow execution performance is improved, for now…

Based on your answers from Step #3, it should be clear that the “best option” is not always the best. When file sizes vary, one option might be better than the other. Purchasing a certain hardware upgrade may be the right way to approach a performance related issue in some cases but not all.