
I teach a range of courses both at the undergraduate and graduate levels (see my Academic C.V. for a complete list). But I also engage in teaching-related activities that go beyond the courses I teach.

WRENCH Pedagogic Modules

Thanks to funding from the NSF, we have developed the EduWRENCH Pedagogic Modules. These modules are self-contained, simulation-driven, in-the-browser pedagogic activities that can be integrated into courses to achieve learning objectives in the area of distributed computing, in the context of scientific workflows, via hands-on experiments.

SMPI CourseWare

Using the SimGrid Project as a foundation, I have developed the SMPI Courseware. This courseware consists of self-contained, simulation-driven, pedagogic activities that can be integrated into courses to achieve learning objectives in the area distributed-memory parallel programming using MPI (Message Passing Interface).

Parallel Algorithms Textbook

A long time ago I co-wrote a textbook:

Parallel Algorithms
H. Casanova, A. Legrand, Y. Robert
Chapman & Hall / CRC
Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing Series
360 pages
ISBN: 9781584889458